Wednesday 25 July 2012

Sunny sunny sunny!

Well summer has finally arrived in full force and let me tell you it is tough being a black furry Poodle in this heat! I have boasted about my special Poodle fur before with it's special water and heat retaining properties, but it's not renouned for it's heat reflection in the sun! I have been searching out the coolest spots in the house and garden and the number one is the patio, in the shade by the water tap, closely followed by on the grass in the shade under the trampoline! Don't get me wrong, I love a bask in the sun as much as the next dog, but after about 10am it's time to retire to bed as far as I am concerned.

With that in mind, mum came back from her Tai Chi class today at 11.30am and promptly dragged me out for a walk, Really! I tried to tell her it was too hot, I sat down a lot and even laid down when we crossed the road, but no, we had to carry on, I was shattered when we got home! The only plus side was I got to eat a very tasty Petz Kitchen Sardine biscuit when we got home, delicious!I heard her muttering again about how hot she was and that she had forgotten to put on any sun lotion, well, take me for a walk earlier then! Still love her though, BOL Basil x

Monday 23 July 2012

Chillaxing in the Sun

Today has definitely been a day of two halves! This morning mum and the two small humans took me to the vets for my yearly injections and my last Cartophen injection, I have to say I really don't like injections now, I have been a really good boy and stayed still during all of them, but today I'd really had enough! I did my scariest yip when the vet gave me my second one, I'm not sure she was scared though, do vets usually laugh when they are scared? Anyway the good news is that it was my last one, also because they thought I was frightened the biggest small human gave me a lovely hug and stroke,I let her of course, I think it makes her feel better!

The afternoon was definitely better, the sun was shining, I had a slice of famous Petz Kitchen cheese birthday cake for dogs and I helped the small humans with their water balloon fight, very wet, very funny! Mum was muttering again about getting her best trousers wet, thought that was the point of a water fight? Humans! BOL Basil x 

Saturday 21 July 2012

Almost sunny Saturday

As its the weekend daddy took me for my walk today and we only met one other person walking their dog, as usual the first thing they said was" what kind of dog is he?" I mean it's pretty obvious I am all Poodle, but everyone always says" really! Is he?" What do they think I am a Great Dane?
When we got home mum gave me my daily massage treatment. Five minutes with a hot water bottle on my back, then five minutes with an ice pack, then five minutes with the hot water bottle again. She then massages me along my back from my head to my tail. Bliss! I really want to get better soon but not if this stops, I particularly like the hot water bottle. Think I might put one on my Christmas list. Mum has been muttering again, something about how no one ever does this for her, not sure what she means but I gave her a friendly nudge and wag anyway. Bol. Basil x.

Friday 20 July 2012

Monster stick

The wind and rain over night here left this beauty for me to find on my walk this morning! Unfortunately because I'm under Vets orders not to walk too far or to carry heavy sticks I had to leave it behind on the Common, oh well, maybe I'll find it again tomorrow. One bonus, mummy did compensate me with one of her delicious hand made dog biscuits from Petz Kitchen

Mum took me to see a lovely lady called Caron the other day because my limping has got worse and all my blood tests have come back negative, no Lymes Disease, arthritis or auto immune disease, not sure what most of those are but they sound nasty so I'm glad I don't have them! What it does mean is that I am a veterinary mystery! So I've been sent to Caron who is a dog Physiotherapist as well as practicing Chiropracty and massage and hydrotherapy therapy. She had a look at me and put a magic box thing on my back and, Oh My Dog, someone at last understands that the problem is my back and that it really hurts! The magic box helped to ease the pain and mum gives me a massage every day now as well to help. Back to see the very nice lady again next week, hope it makes me better soon! Can't understand mum muttering though, what is Pet Insurance and why is she so pleased we have it?
BOL Basil.